@Ryzmik You're welcome! ;)
By the way, since we both use FL Mobile, how about a collab sometime? :) :D
Those who fully rely on artificial intelligence for work can't get rid of their natural ignorance.
Electronic maintenan
Joined on 5/21/17
@Ryzmik You're welcome! ;)
By the way, since we both use FL Mobile, how about a collab sometime? :) :D
@JordanKyser @Ryzmik The compressor's function is to put instruments in their proper place, to be used along with EQ because sometimes, instruments and voices can share the same frequency.
For instance, I'd set the Multiband Compressor to bass boost for... well, bass, and sub-bass boost to the kick drum. The same for other things, you can make them sound bright, etc. There's even a setting specifically for vocals.
Now, these are templates, but watch where the needles on the templates go. They're a general indicator of the kind of frequency you're aiming for.
I don't know much about the compressor, I am a noob at it too...
However, I do know that a bandpass filter is suppose to allow/block a certain area/range of frequencies. In FL Mobile, it is basically combining the Low and High passes in some weirdly professional way.
The limiter is supposed to prevent any clipping in the song. In other words, it levels out the song so the sound does not go over and sounds distorted. The Threshold in the limiter is basically the ceiling for the Ableton or FL limiter (the push is what I think it would be, it forces it to shove around between the ceiling and limiting levels).
Thanks so much for the info!