Those who fully rely on artificial intelligence for work can't get rid of their natural ignorance.

riθmɪk @Ryzmik

Electronic maintenan

Joined on 5/21/17

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Posted by Ryzmik - June 22nd, 2024

Hey everyone, I'm still alive... Kind of.

A lot has been going on in my life during the last year, I stayed away from music to focus on develop my studies and skills for job which has been a hard trip, so...

To start anew, Here are some of the stuff that I've done during this absence:

  • "New" tracks.

No, I wasn't giving up, There are a bunch of tracks going on since the last year but since time has passed they don't convince me enough to upload them. Some of them are original mixes and some others remixes.

Here you can listen a pair of original uncompleted which don't convince enough to finish: https://www.newgrounds.com/projects/audio/1822937/preview

(OUT NOW!!!!)


  • YouTube uploads (YES, that thing I said I'd do the last year...)

I managed to create videos for my tracks and I will FINALLY be uploading some on YouTube, since I had some requests over the months. Should I start with my old techno music or the latest ones?

  • More dilemmas (Nobody cares about)

However, I've entered in a limbo between taking the time to learn something more actual or stick with music and sounds that has been played out for twelve years like I've been doing since the first day I started doing this.

I met a friend who introduced me into phonk, you know this music that appears in thousands of playlists with anime thumbnails that has been pretty popular amongst the slavic community for some reason. I was not interested on it at first, but he told me I should try and make something similar and It would be nice to try something new.

Sorry for everything guys, I always end up making people have to put up with me.



Decided to check Newgrounds after a while and see this 4 hours ago lmao
Really looking forward for new tracks of yours to come out, but take as much time as you need for the important things.

Thank you for your overwhelming patience!

Welp, gotta prioritize important things & opportunities irl, but never forget ur fanbase, we're looking forward for more bangers!

And a upload from some of the old dubstep on YouTube, of course.

Thanks dude! Definitely gonna have time to bring some tracks this summer, here and on YouTube!

Hi Ryzmik, (I'm a big fan of yours) I was wondering what happened to some of your songs that are currently deleted from your account, I'm asking you this since one of them I was using for a Geometry Dash level and I wanted to know if by any chance you still have it saved.

I usually delete unfinished works or old songs that didn't get good reviews or caught any attention at all. I probably had permanently deleted some, but lately I just wanted to unpublish them. PM me if you want back that song for your level and I will see if I still have it.